Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Brighten My Day

i found a sentence...

if i indulge myself with something i never try, my life will become more and more fun.
but why after i tried...the enjoyment was jz kept for a moment?
i found that my day become darker afterward...>.<

i have no ability to brighten my day with any luxuries...
that is impossible to happen on me everyday!
i know the Lord is fair...because no pain, no gain!
but sometime i feel that not really...
how much we gave, do not mean that we will get any reward even though we do not hope for it.

is it rich guy only has chance to get a beautiful day?
what i know is no...just we need to figure out what can we do to make our day become beautiful without any luxury stuff.

i try...and try...
i will find my way in future~~

1 comment:

  1. luxury differs according to people... water is a luxurious item for a person in the desert... it really depends on how u value n weigh...
    I believe god is very fair even though I don't have a religion. He gives and takes... A person might be rich material wise but empty emotionally... Grass is always greener on the other side... ;)
