Monday, June 08, 2009

Life is short

One of my friends leave us in this morning. he was involved in an accident, we all still not clear about what the real reason of the accident...need to wait Ham go to kluang only know the real situation... T.T

my mind full of his image now...he was a nice guy, give us a lot of fun when we gather. i still remember that he help us acted in our short movie...he had a lot of jokes and ideas...we all praised him can be a comedian. i still remember the time we went to kuala perlis for spring festival's celebration of bureau exhibition and bureau promotion..we sang together in the bus along the journey back to uum...

jz now i look back the pictures and movie...can't believe that he was leaved us...jz feel that he still alive!

this smile is always be with you forever! =)

how nice ur smile! how nice ur laughter!

why nice person always will leave us early? why god like to take away our life without any signal?

the feeling is back to me...really dun like the horrible feel! i hate to get bad news again! what can we do when we meet such of trouble? is it we jz can waiting the moment to leave?

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