Sunday, July 05, 2009

What important to me?

First day went for class in this semester, nothing seems to work on right...sigh~~
The gap between class suppose not to arise since i arranged my time continues to attend class. Because the server of portal did not function well during the add drop week at last semester, so i could not add the time i wish to! So unfortunately that 1 of my lecturer is "killer"! She think highly of is hard for me to handle all this due to another 3 two thousand papers are arduous to study. Corporate Writing need to publish magazine, Public Relations need to conduct a workshop, Comm Law need to do a report about certain Act. Stress~~

Change change change!!! i wan to change!!! i wan to add drop now but can't, and why other seniors can add drop themselves? What can i do with this o? When only can add drop? Go FE entreat the staff only can? How come!!!


  1. why we always face the same problem on the beginning of the semester?but i have prepared myself to face this obstacle if we really can't do any add or drop for our course.

  2. luckily, we met a nice settled everything dy! ^^
